
Eco Resort Update

Written by Ximena Waissbluth | Sep 10, 2015 12:00:30 PM

The Coastal Commission took the US Fish and Wildlife Service's concerns about impacts to endangered species seriously – the final approval of the resort is based on a strict condition that the developer must re-write its Habitat Protection Plan (HPP), addressing all the Service's concerns.  With the sweeping amount of habitat loss that will happen on the 39 acres (the mega-project includes 184 hotel rooms, 184 condominiums, 3 swimming pools and extensive visitor facilities) it may be nearly impossible to write a realistic HPP.  We will keep you updated, including when and how to weigh in.  Because, think about it:

Does having a "green" roof and capturing rainwater make up for destroying endangered species habitat?  Does recycling stop sea level rise?

Even without the predicted intensification of storms and future El Nino events, the southern Monterey Bay has some of the highest erosion rates on the west coast.  The Marines used to test their amphibious craft off Fort Ord because of the large surf.  Stillwell Hall is said to have had room for a football field to the west between the bluffs and the building, yet had to be removed because of the danger of it falling onto the beach. The City of Monterey is worried about the infrastructure that will be threatened as sea level rises, but Sand City seems conveniently unconcerned about it.

A study of the Monterey Bay predicts significant erosion along the dunes, including the site of the "Eco" Resort.  Does it really make sense to build a massive development on sand dunes when it will become a pile of rubble.

Who will pay to clean up the mess?  There are already plenty of man-made structures that are threatened by the sea, and battles over who pays to save them.  Armoring the coastline leads to erosion on either side of the seawalls, causing loss of beaches, the resources of everyone, for the benefit of the few.  We can blame past mistakes on ignorance - we know better now, so why repeat the errors?

Above is a site map which indicates estimated erosion and nest locations for the Endangered Snowy Plover in the proposed building site.

"And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually." - Jimi Hendrix